
this is a blog that holds my true feelings. i will try my best to update as often as possible with this and thats

Friday, October 31, 2008

Guy or Girl?

I've never been a gender confuse as long as I've remembered. Other than games, it's always been rather apparent of my gender. Just yesterday, as I exited the school building towards the parking lot, I heard my name being called. So I turned around to see JL grinning happily at me. JL's not a very liked person in our school--he's the only one who tucks in his shirt, rude and annoying, and think's he's all that.

'This guy wants to know if you're a guy or girl.'

I stared at his companion with surprise. What? I didn't know how to respond. But I stared as the other guy stared at me for a while, probably finally noticing my skirt, boots, and how the fact that I actually wasn't physically shaped as a guy (though my shirt was black and had pockets on the chest area so it wasn't that apparent)


I turned away still dumbfounded. Wao. It was truly hilarious. I asked 小恩 whether I should dress like a guy then. He gave me a look that clearly stated it wasn't a good idea. Oh well.




Blogger to the rescue... said...

now THERES a dumass statement you don t hear everyday x]

October 31, 2008 at 11:43 PM  

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